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Writer's pictureRichard Spitzer

A Tale of Two Scales

Updated: Apr 19, 2024

Do you have Health & Wellness goals?

Positivity Can Be Your Key to Health & Wellness Success

You Can Increase Your Chances of Achieving Health & Wellness Goals

If You Can Turn Off the Negative Self-Talk. You just have to decide what you really believe you can do.

Health & Wellness goals are usually 100% under your control.

The good news — you don't have to be 100% positive all of the time. Success requires only 68% Positivity to get started.

Read how it works.

The science confirms the importance of a person's attitudes and psychological mindset on their overall physical and mental health and well-being.

Most health & wellness programs (HW) stress the need for motivation, discipline and positive beliefs as a significant contributors to wellness success. "Be positive"!

But it's hard to find any formal or informal wellness program that also provides a practical way to match your beliefs and confidence with your efforts to achieve your wellness goals.

I propose that two scales are necessary for increasing the likelihood that you will make progress in your wellness goals.

There are many H&W programs, but I'll use weight loss/weight management for this discussion because it's probably the wellness program with the highest public visibility and related commercial programs.

So, there are two scales necessary for pursuing your H&W goal:

#1. Some conventional "scales" for weight management are based on achieving improvements in:

#2. Your personal belief scale: What is your balance of positive vs. negative thoughts and self-talk about reaching your wellness goals?

*(There are many health and wellness programs that the individual user largely manages. We do not include serious illnesses requiring rigorous medical attention).

The Modern Positivity approach is based on the science that recognizes that a person's beliefs dramatically influence their motivation, discipline, and follow-through in pursuing health and wellness successfully.

There are two broad categories of H&W issues and goals

  • The ordinary wellness goals in everyday life; weight management, physical fitness, healthy eating, stress reduction, breaking bad habits and creating good habits

  • Serious health and wellness issues that need formal medical attention A positive attitude alone will not cure a disease. But research shows that a person's mindset can help them deal with serious health issues more effectively, both medically and emotionally. In addition, the nature of your thinking can help you live a higher quality of emotional and social life despite the burdens of serious health issues.

Google it for more information! For example, try "positive thinking and health and wellness" and find millions of citations.

Here are two representative statements about the mind-body connection. In our context, we are interested in how a person's thoughts, self-talk and related emotions affect many aspects of physical well-being.

We believe that a critical missing feature for increasing the probability of achieving health and wellness goals is a practical, common-sense way to manage and match your thinking and self-talk with your actual health and wellness activities. "You can only achieve what you believe."

How well is it working now?

Achieving health and wellness goals is a difficult challenge, and most people fail at some point in their process. According to published research, the #1 obstacle to achieving success is your belief that you can do it.

Despite all the professional guidance and programs, studies report that wellness/fitness/weight loss goals are not met by 50%, 75% or more of the people who try.

The tipping points.

The biggest disconnect in personal change/success programs, especially wellness, is one core issue: Are your thoughts, intentions, and actions connected to what you truly believe you can do?

Health & Wellness programs require the necessary physical actions, such as dieting or exercise.

But success requires a second crucial element - the mental work of maintaining expectations, motivation and working through the inevitable disappointments.

Wellness programs acknowledge the need for positive thinking. However, they still rely more on willpower and hours of the physical work, with less attention to Positivity support.

A new way to help increase your Wellness Positivity mindset.

The Wellness Positivity Formula makes the thinking part simpler, direct and provides the necessary feedback.

  • You know you will have the usual external measurement. You need a scale to measure your weight. Are you able to lift greater weights, run a faster mile or lower your blood pressure?

  • Next, a personal belief measurement. A measure that shows your positive vs. negative beliefs and confidence in achieving your goal. Are your beliefs and confidence sufficiently positive to maintain your motivation and follow your health and wellness regimen? Do this sound familiar?

  • I tried to lose weight, and it never worked; what am I doing wrong?

  • How come they can lose weight, and I can't?

  • I can't stick with mindfulness. I can't do meditation.

  • I plan to go to the gym, it's always full of people, but I just can't seem to do it.

  • I can't' stop smoking/other habits

  • I'm not making progress; what's the use?

Wellness Positivity is not a specific program to lose weight, quit smoking, or achieve emotional calmness; there are professional programs for health and wellness issues. We can't promise that Positivity Wellness will work for every wellness goal, but it should be compatible with most programs. Most health and wellness programs recommend that you maintain a positive attitude to support your motivation and follow your health and wellness practice.

Wellness Positivity is the connection to shift your self-talk and increase Positivity so other wellness/health programs work more successfully for you. The Positivity Formula for Wellness is your personal improvement method to be used in conjunction with other practices and exercises designed for specific wellness goals.

Okay, so if the key to success is to change my self-talk to be positive most of the time, what is "most of the time"? How will I know when I achieve that?

It's extraordinarily difficult to change your choices and actions if you don't know, let alone control, your thoughts and self-talk about your goal. But there is no chicken or egg dilemma here.

You first have to convince your mind before your mind can energize your body to do the work.

Maintaining an exercise regimen or losing weight is a purely personal goal, so 100% of the pressure is self-induced – nobody else is responsible for your goal.

1.First, you set reasonable goals. Then, with a first-level goal that makes sense, you can build on that success with the next goal.

2.You follow your specific wellness practices.

3.You monitor your physical progress. Are you losing weight?

4.Are your thoughts and attitudes about losing weight sufficiently positive to keep you on track?

​You really want to lose weight, but most of your thoughts might be negative about achieving your goal. An overload of Negativity will make it difficult, maybe even impossible, to maintain focus, motivation, and discipline to follow the weight loss regimen.

You have to believe it before you can lose it.

The good news: it's not all or nothing; you don't need to be 100% positive all of the time.

The Modern Positivity goal recognizes that most outcomes in our real universe have the familiar bell-shaped curve, universal distribution.

What are you thinking every day?

Research reports that most people have thousands of thoughts a day, most of them are the same as the day before, and most of them are negative! So, if you could measure your negative and positive thoughts about your wellness goal, would the great majority of your thoughts be positive or negative?

The Modern Positivity approach shows how to assess, manage and change your thoughts and self-talk to shift from predominantly negative to primarily positive.

And that level of necessary Positivity is represented by the universal laws of probability — 68% represents the majority of outcomes around the average. Therefore, just get your positive thinking up to an average level, and you increase your probability of success.

The Positivity Wellness Scorecard. No magic program, formula, or pill can change your thoughts.

But if you know what you are thinking and honestly assess yourself, you can take steps to change your self-conversation. You can rewire your thinking to achieve a state where the majority of your thoughts about your goal, at least 68%, are positive and optimistic about your goal.

I discovered that "thinking" positively about my goal, at least 68% of the time, was not as easy as I expected, and I had no way to know how well I was doing. So, I created a way to measure what I was thinking and how my thoughts changed over time.

The Positivity Scorecard

The Positivity concept is to support your plans and intentions into successful outcomes. If most of your thoughts are negative, fearful, and doubtful, they affect your emotions, choices and actions and probably sabotage efforts to achieve your goals. The Scorecard is designed to help you assess your thoughts about progress on your goal. Less than 30 seconds per week to measure your wellness success psychology can support everything else you do during the week to achieve your wellness goals. Read more about the Scorecards.

(Note: Wellness Positivity is intended only for personal use as an aid to help with other health recommendations, plans or practices. Positivity is not a replacement for any medication or medical advice. Instead, wellness Positivity is a way to help your thoughts, beliefs, and confidence in your health plans and maintain the discipline to fulfill the regimens.

Note: we are not medical practitioners. We are not offering or promoting our services or programs as a substitute or addition to medically recommended wellness programs. Always consult with a medical professional before starting any new program or changing the practices or instructions medical professionals have given you.

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